Canberra Two Day Walk Incorporated is a not-for-profit organisation, run by volunteers. We organise the annual Canberra Walking Festival each year – Australia’s IML event.
At this year’s Annual General Meeting, members were advised that the current committee of volunteers will not continue past the 2020 event. There are insufficient new volunteers to take over the running of the event. Therefore the difficult decision has been made to wind up the Canberra Two Day Walk organisation after the 2020 walk.
The committee is approaching other organisations to attempt to find another group to run the event. However, this is not guaranteed.
What does that mean for you?
There may only be two more Canberra Walking Festivals.
Dates are locked in for 2019 and 2020 as follows:
30-31 March 2019
4-5 April 2020
Entries open on 1st October each year for the following year’s event. Enter early to get the early bird rate.
For IML Walkers: When entering we will also ask if you want an “Australia” country bar, or any special IML awards. Our IML merchandise order is submitted in December, so any requests received after 1st January cannot be guaranteed.
Please spread the word to encourage as many walkers as possible to come to Canberra over the next two years.
I will report on the progress of finding a new event organiser at the CTDW AGM and the IML General Meeting in Blankenberge next year.
Diana Marshall
President, Canberra Two Day Walk Inc